Sweat Collection for Sodium Analysis Instructions:
To provide the most accurate sweat rate determination, it is important to replicate race day conditions as closely as possible. This requires exercising in the sport specific modality (bike v. run), targeting projected race intensity and to be exposed to expected environmental conditions.
Start by first recording the environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) at the time of testing, in the space below. During the test, consume nutrition (both fluids, electrolytes and calories) as you plan to take in on race day.
Warm-up 15 minutes with light activity. Empty your bladder, towel yourself dry and step on a scale nude, holding any food or drink you plan to consume during the exercise effort. Record your total weight in the space below. Clean the anterior aspect of your forearm with the alcohol swab. Start where you plan to apply the ‘Tegaderm + pad’ dressing, and rub in ever increasing concentric circles and be mindful not to touch the area once cleaned.
During the test, take your nutrition (both fluids, electrolytes, and calories) as you plan to do on race day.
Clean the anterior aspect of your forearm with the alcohol swab. Start where you plan to apply the ‘Tegaderm + pad’ dressing, and rub in ever increasing concentric circles, being mindful not do touch the area once cleaned.

Apply the ‘Tegaderm + pad’ dressing.
Start your 60 minutes race intensity workout.
After 60 minutes, towel yourself dry and step on a scale nude, holding any remaining food or drink you did not consume (this includes any wrappers or empty water bottles) during the exercise effort. Please note the exact exercise time in the space below.
Peel off the ‘Tegaderm + pad’ being careful not to touch the gauze pad. Using the tweezers provided, grasp a corner of the pad, gently remove it and place it in the sample collection tube, and cap the tube tightly.

Mail the sample back as quickly as is reasonably possible to:
Breakthrough Performance Coaching, LLC
433 Linebrook Road
Ipswich, MA 01938